Lower Body Home Exercises

This is a super simple exercise for people who are looking at starting, or getting back into, a home exercise program. This is especially helpful for those of you who spend a majority of you day at work sitting. This exercise helps to retrain your brain on how to engage your core appropriately. This is very important to nail down before going on to some of the other exercise I’ll go over.

This is a great core exercise that can benefit pretty much everyone, but especially if you do a lot of sitting for your job or hobby.

This is another great exercise to engage and strengthen your core, I also go over how to slightly modify this exercise to incorporate more mobility.

I love this modified plank. It is great for any golfers out there or people who are involved in rotational sports. It is also great for almost everyone as it works on core strength and spinal mobility at the same time.

This is a more difficult, but excellent exercise to improve stability and control of your glutes and hips.