Open Book: This is one of my favorite easy stretches in increase mobility in your thoracic spine and shoulders.
Levator scapula/scalene stretch: This is a great simple stretch you can to to help alleviate neck/shoulder tension. This is great for anyone who is under a lot of stress and tends to get tight in their shoulders or people who work desk jobs.
Kneeling chop thoracic rotation: This is a simple exercise that can help with overall spine and shoulder mobility. Anyone who feels tight in their upper back or shoulders can benefit from this, as well as any athletes involved in rotational sports.
Door jamb pec stretch: This is a great and easy stretch to do for you pecs. If you work a desk job or have a cell phone, you have probably noticed your shoulders rounding forward at some point throughout the day. This is a great stretch to counteract that posture that we find ourselves in when overusing technology.
Cross body Lat stretch: This is a great stretch for anyone who has stiffness in the back especially when twisting/turning. It is also great for anyone involved in rotational sports (golf, tennis, pickleball, ect.).
Cervical stars neck mobility exercise: This is a super simple exercise you can do throughout the day to help maintain and improve the mobility of you neck.
Cat Dog full spine stretch: This is a great simple stretch to help improve mobility you your whole spine.